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IPCC TG-Data Webinar on AR6 Scenarios Database for Asia – hosted by SMARTS Centre at SERD/AIT


The IPCC TG-Data Webinar and Demonstration on AR6 Scenarios Database for Asia will be held on Thursday 20th of April at 12:00-14:00 CET (17:00-19:00 Bangkok time), hosted by SMARTS Centre at SERD/AIT (, Thailand. The findings of AR6 WGIII report were underpinned not just by the scientific literature, but also by quantitative data on emissions, energy, land and sectoral transformation scenarios. Substantial efforts were made to coordinate and collect scenarios data, which was submitted by modelling teams around the world and assessed by lead authors. The AR6 Scenarios Database has been publicly online since the WGIII approval, aiming to transparently support the findings of the report and also provide a useful resource for researchers. A series of regional webinars have been organized to introduce the database from regional perspectives, and include a hands-on activity/tutorial such that users can also explore the data online as the AR6 Scenario Explorer.

The webinar will include the following presentations:

  • Welcome remarks.

  • Jim Skea (co-chair WGIII): opening remarks.

  • Joyashree Roy: AR 6-Global, national and regional scenarios and Bottom up assessment of global mitigation.

  • Shreya Some: Specific data download-TG data.

  • Sebastian Vicuna, David Huard (TG-Data), Alaa Al Khourdajie (WGIII TSU), Adam Milward (MetadataWorks): Introduction to TG Data, FAIR Principles & general guidelines, DDC overview.

  • Edward Byers (IIASA): Introduction to AR6 Scenario explorer; Hands-on demonstration to Scenario Explorer.

  • Q&A

  • Joyashree Roy: Closing remarks.

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