At COP29, SMARTS had an active presence like in previous COPs to inform science and influence the science-policy interface. Pathway to the Green Transformation of Society at the Japan Pavilion on the 15th of November 2024 was moderated by Prof. Joyashree Roy while she also presented how Policy acts as a catalyst for developing countries. The session also heard other speakers Mr. Hiroshi Maeda (METI), Dr. Bas van Rujven (IIASA), Dr. Keigo Akimoto (RITE), Prof. Gregory Nemet (University of Wisconsin-Madison), Prof. Diana Ürge-Vorsatz (CEU). The discussion is on achieving Green Transformation (GX) through multidisciplinary digital technologies and social innovations from the demand-side solutions touching on digitally driven demand-side solutions, High with Low (HwL) social innovation diffusions, sufficient infrastructure redesign and sufficiency insights and policy driven transitions from the Global South.
Japan Pavilion session video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JZP1pS0T2Mo
Also, Prof. Roy Participated as a Panelist in a session called “Industrial Policy, Trade, and the Political Economy of Decarbonization” co-sponsored by the Harvard Project on Climate Agreements, Enel Foundation, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, and Foundation Environment - Law Society. The discussion was around how to enable good spillover effects through collaborative trade/industrial policies to achieve industrial sector decarbonization.
Prof Roy participated as chair of Climate Strategies in their meeting with the members on various climate strategies' ongoing projects.
#COP29 #EDITS #GX #HwL #demandsidesolutions #GreenDigitalAction #sufficiency #climatemitigation #climatestrategies