Bangabandhu Chair Doctoral Researcher
Mr. Hasan Mahmud is the Bangabandhu Chair Researcher at Asian Institute of Technology. Mr. Hasan has joined AIT in January 2018 as a Doctoral student under the Energy Academic Program in the Department of Energy, Environment and Climate Change. Prior to joining AIT, Mr. Hasan was working as Deputy Manager (Technical) in Sylhet Gas Fields Limited, Chiknagool, Sylhet in Bangladesh.
Mr. Hasan is the first Doctoral student been selected under the prestigious Bangabandhu Chair Professorship at AIT and his Doctoral research topic is "Sustainability challenges and solution pathways for the energy sector in Bangladesh: Implications for development". His research work focuses mainly on sustainable energy solutions for Bangladesh contributing towards the energy sector development in Bangladesh.

On 13th of December 2021, Mr. Hasan was awarded his doctoral degree in Energy Policy Planning and Economics at Asian Institute of Technology.

Bangabandhu Chair Professor Joyashree Roy congratulating Mr. Hasan on completion of his doctoral degree under the Bangabandhu Chair Endowment at AIT
Education Background
PhD in Energy Policy Planning and Economics at Asian Institute of Technology, Thailand, (January 2018 - December 2021). Research Topic:Sustainability challenges and solution pathways for the energy sector in Bangladesh: Implications for development.
Masters in Petroleum Engineering, (April, 2015) from Bangladesh University of Engineering & Technology.
Specialization:Drilling, Reservoir Simulation, Petroleum Production. Thesis Title: Production optimization of Kailashilla Gas Field
B.Sc. in Chemical Engineering & Polymer Science, (April, 2007) from Shah Jalal University of Science & Technology, Bangladesh. Thesis Title:Natural Gas Processing in Bangladesh
Training Program & Community Practice on Composite Indicators and Scoreboards, JRC Week, European Commission Joint Research Center, Ispra, Italy (November 2019).
Basic Training Course on VEDA2.0-TIMES (The Integrated MARKAL-EFOM System), Web Training by IEA-ETSAP, Athens, Greece (November 2020), Online).